If you
aren’t American and/or friends with Americans all over the internet, you may
not have heard that a reality TV star just got in trouble with his network for
saying his opinion in an interview with a magazine. That star is Phil Robertson
of the TV show Duck Dynasty on A&E. Different people have ALL DIFFERENT
opinions on if he was right or wrong, if A&E was right or wrong for suspending
him, with all possible combinations of angry and/or passionate reactions in
between. Google it and find out maybe more than you care to read, but I decided
to blog a bit about it so here you are.
Hello. I am
a white, heterosexual girl from Texas (though I currently live in South Korea).
I'm going to talk for a minute about "standing with Phil" ...or not.
I love
Jesus. I'm from a hunting family. My family is reasonably obsessed with Duck
Dynasty. I wanted to be a Duck Dynasty Man for Halloween but I don't have camo
or a fake beard in Korea. Along the lines of #confessyourunpopularopinion, I
don't actually love the show itself... I think it's way too staged and
caricature-y, but I do love things about it, like it's a home-town-feel-good
Christians-who-love-family-and-hunting kind of show. (The episode where the men
took their prissy-city-girl wives hunting drove me CRAZY. It was clearly
springtime, not huntin' season! And any good woman who lives in a huntin'
family knows not to wear perfume in the deer stand! There's no way Missy would
have missed that crucial lesson. It was all just a set up for an easy gag
involving mud and a bit of “oh look at the princess who doesn’t know what to do
in a deer stand, bless her heart.” Stereotypes: 1, Princesses: 0)
Many people
who *love* the show have posted facebook post after twitter post about standing
with Phil. Just search the hashtag #standwithphil and you'll see a billion
outraged conservatives freaking out. Loudly.
Every time
the internet explodes with a firestorm of CHRISTIANS-VS-THE REST OF YOU
SINNERS, I feel super awkward. I don't want to hit people upside the head with
my faith. I'd rather love people in community and tell them to read the Bible,
then let the Word of God and the Holy Spirit do the convicting and changing (as
it promises to do), rather than condemn and criticize people into change. I
don't believe that's my place. I know there's a balance between "calling
brothers out in love" and "sitting idly by" but I guess I
haven't found it yet. I'm not a perfect Christian; I've still got (a lot of)
growing to do. Praise the LORD that by His grace, growing will happen. (Also,
that part about calling *brothers* out is about *people who are confessing
believers in Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation* not about society at
large. Feel free to disagree with me.)
#confessyourunpopularopinion moment = I don't stand with Phil.
Now, I
don't think Phil is speaking from a place of hate, but I don't think his words
were, um, tactful. I think he is a man who fears God; I also think what he said
was ...not for pubic consumption. The exact words were more... hmm... well...
honestly, they struck me as the type of thing someone would say after a few
beers on a family holiday. I know Phil's not a drinking man, but his words are
the kind of thing that makes me squirm.
seems like, to me, a vagina - as a man - would me more desirable than a man's
anus." -Phil Robertson
Excuse me.
If someone said those words in my presence, I would cringe. CRINGE. I'm a lady.
You do not say words like "vagina" and "anus" around a
lady. It's crass.
He also
“Don’t be
deceived. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the
homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers
– they won’t inherit the kingdom of God. Don’t deceive yourself. It’s not
right” - Phil Robertson
Ok. I am
pretty sure that’s all in line with the Bible. Yay, I think he’s mostly quoting
scripture! And whether you agree with him or not, the list doesn't stop there.
It’s only through Jesus that we’re saved. That’s what CS Lewis meant when he
said, “That is why a cold, self-righteous prig who goes regularly to church may
be far nearer to hell than a prostitute. But, of course, it is better to be
neither.” – it’s Jesus who transforms the self-righteous prig and the
prostitute. Neither homosexuals nor heterosexuals (no anyone else with any other label) will inherit the kingdom of
God without the blood of Jesus over their sins.
Phil also
said some ignorant and offensive things about black people based on his
personal experience (and perhaps limited view?):
“I never,
with my eyes, saw the mistreatment of any black person. Not once. Where we lived
was all farmers. The blacks worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them.
I'm with the blacks, because we're white trash. We're going across the
field.... They're singing and happy. I never heard one of them, one black
person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people’—not a word!...
Pre-entitlement, pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they
were happy; no one was singing the blues.” - Phil Robertson
I really
disagree with those thoughts. They are incredibly historically inaccurate, but
*they are his thoughts* and he is entitled to them. I am entitled to be
appalled. You are entitled to feel however the heck you want. I’m much more
dismayed about what he said about black people than what he said about
homosexuality. It’s not ok.
The reality
is, he's got a right to think or say whatever he wants. It's AMERICA. If you’re
in America, you have a right to think or say whatever you want. We don’t have
to agree. It’s beautiful. It’s ugly. It’s real.
He grew up
in a very different world than I did. His paradigm has been shaped by entirely
different experiences. Now, I don't think he represents all American Christians
and I don't think A&E is wrong for suspending him. I don't think he's being
persecuted, I think the company is covering their... business... in line with
their company culture. It's all fine. It is what it is.
I would be
LYING if I told you I never say things I regret. I hope the internet never
explodes because of something I say the way it’s exploding on Phil and A&E
right now. I know that Phil loves Jesus with all his heart. I know that he is
my brother in Christ and one day we will both be standing before the throne of
God, washed in his love and grace and mercy, made righteous by the blood of
Jesus Christ, not by any good thing we have done, not tarnished anymore by the
bad things we have done (or the stupid things we’ve said). [cue weepy tears
because of the crazy love with which God loves us. ohhhh Jesus!]
I read a
few AWESOME posts about The Duck Thing over the past few days. Here are a few of those posts with poignant excerpts:
From Jen
Hatmaker - The Duck Thing: Is There Another Way?
I know. No
one needs to spill any more ink over the Duck Dynasty Debacle. I’m barely
online these days, and even I was saturated with the crazy. A quick scroll
through Facebook revealed about an 85% DD preoccupation in my feed, whether it
was for, against, or that uber cool other response: “I don’t even care.” (But I
will go ahead and make that my status...sic.)
As many
have mentioned, this is clearly not a First Amendment issue. Phil had every
right to say whatever he wanted. He could take issue with any people group or
demographic on earth, right into a microphone. This isn’t North Korea [shout out to my side of the world!] where the
wrong public statement lands you in prison. Or dead. Freedom of speech means
you are free to speak. The end.
It does not
mean you are free from consequences. Isn’t this obvious?
We are not
judges, because how could we possibly be?? How dare we? What right do we have
to cut someone to the quick when we are nothing but sinners saved by grace?
Sanctification is Jesus’ territory, and we can safely leave Him to it; He can
handle the human heart. Our only sane offering to our fellow man is mercy.
For me,
this is the most extreme obedience to “biblical truth” I can imagine. I think
of my gay and black friends watching the outcry this week, and I can’t help but
think the gospel yet again feels like a bludgeon to them, not a real balm, a
real grace, a real sanctuary. And the tragedy is, Jesus is the most real source
of mercy in the history of time, and He loves us all with a fierce,
indescribable love, and none of us deserve it any less than anyone else, and
THAT is the shocking headline we should be proclaiming.
I’m going
to choose love.
Kirstin Howerton - Duck Dynasty, first amendment rights, and Christian values
I don’t
even know where to start with this one. Comparing black people to white trash
is cringey, but suggesting that black people were happier during segregation?
That because Phil never heard a black person publicly complain BACK IN THE ERA
OF LYNCHING means that they must have been satisfied with the state of things?
This is so racially tone-deaf that it reminds me of the time Paula Deen
romanticized the slaves as being “like family”. Not to mention, the subtext of
his remarks is that black people nowadays are entitled, unGodly, discontented
welfare recipients. So when I see people as “standing with Phil” based on their
Christian values, I really have to ask . . . how does an apologist for our
country’s ugly Jim Crow legacy represent Christian values?
As a
Christian, Phil’s views on gay people and on black people do not represent me,
and I’m embarrassed by those who are holding him up as a martyr or an example.
I get that Phil is dear to many . . . he’s a likable guy and a very public
Christian. But that doesn’t excuse his ignorant remarks, nor does it mean that
he gets a pass from accountability.
of where we fall in the “is homosexuality a sin” debate, as Christians, our
greatest charge is to LOVE. I don’t feel that Phil’s remarks were loving to gay
people or to black people. And I don’t believe the blind support he is getting
from Christians is very loving, either.
Kristin's follow up to her own post - A short history lesson of racism in Louisiana for those who may be confused
Again, I
don’t think it’s uncommon, nor do I think he intended to be racist. But as we
grapple as a nation to move forward with racial reconciliation, we cannot
continue to pretend that slavery or Jim Crow were not that big a deal because
the mythical happy black person overcame by singing songs. These were horrible times for black people,
and to suggest otherwise is incredibly tone-deaf.
Now, I know
that Phil is not a perfect person, and that his views and statements on race
reflect what a whole lot of folks of his generation might say on the matter.
But that doesn’t give him a pass. I’m not calling for a witch hunt, but I’m am
suggesting that we stop defending people who defend racism, because it makes us
complicit, too.
And the
post that encouraged me to throw in my two cents, rather than sit by and let
everyone duke it out on facebook:
From Osheta
Moore - Oh Honey! Come Here, I Think Your Privilege Is Showing
Because I
do get disappointed with white celebrities from the South. Like I was with Paula Deen and now I am with
Phil Robertson of the A&E reality show, “Duck Dynasty”. Their ignorance is showing and I’m sad. Once again, they’ve revealed that the racism
of the South is still infecting good and Godly people.
Since I
wrote last on racism, privilege, and diversity, I’ve had several white
bloggers, most of them happen to live or come from the South say to me, “I
really want to talk about this but I don’t think I have the right to, I
mean…I’m white”.
To which I
say, because you’re white, you need to talk about it. Because you haven’t had to think about it,
you need to think about it now. Because
you’re in your homogenous bubble, you need to hear my story as a black woman in
America so you can share it with your white, and at times, clueless readers.
The truth
is, your voice matters and it has power. As a white blogger in the South, your acknowledgement of my experience brings
a much-needed validation to the racism I dealt as a young, insecure black girl
in a predominately white community. If I know you care enough to listen, then I
know I can trust you and can hear the best of your words. Speak up and speak
life! Your voice can reverberate across the wounded places of my heart and the
echos of your acceptance has to power to heal deep, deep offenses!
If you
ignore this, then I’m sorry….but Honey, I think your privilege is showing.
Even though
you are white please, speak up! Get on
your blogs and tell us that comments like Phil Robertson’s is not ok. Don’t
deflect by saying we should care about more important topics. That invalidates the offense. Please say to your African-American readers
that you know and you understand their frustration. Maybe you can’t relate and that’s ok…but for
the love of God, please, start the conversation!
I need to
see that.
Put the
power of your privilege to work and speak up.
Don’t let the internet be void of your voice on this topic and don’t
allow yourself to have distorted views of black people or racial reconciliation
for fear of letting your ignorance show.
I can
handle it. I’ve borne the humiliation of my letting my dark skin show for over
thirty years, I think can bear yours for a bit.
Step out
the echo chamber of your privilege and recognize that I am a human being just
like you, a woman just like you, a mama who loves her babies something fierce
and I weep at the beauty of our Jesus—just like you. Recognizes these truths and start the
conversation with me.
And if
you'd like to go straight to the source of all the hoopla, I give you the GQinterview with Phil Robertson: What The Duck?
I'll tell
you what I do agree with. After it all hit the fan, Phil Robertson said:
“I would
never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We
are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would
all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”
Robertson is a brother in Christ. I don’t agree with many of my brothers and
sisters in Christ, but, you must see, they are still my “family.” I don’t agree
with things Joel Osteen says, but I still think he loves Jesus. I
disagree with a lot of what Mark Driscoll says, but I still think he loves
Jesus. Ours isn’t a one-size-fits-all faith.
At the end
of the day, it’s about Jesus. Do you believe in one God, the trinity of Father,
Son, and Holy Spirit? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son
of the Father who died on the cross as the atonement for our sin? Do you
receive salvation by the blood of Christ? Do you believe in one ecumenical
We can
disagree and still love each other.
The most
profound truth that I come back to is something Jim Behling, my camp director
at Deer Creek Camp, says over and over and over: “Follow no man further than he
follows Christ.” If someone is a brother or sister in the Lord, then hang with
them. If they start to go off-course from what God speaks to us in the
Scriptures, then you follow GOD. God never disagrees with himself. He speaks
through the Spirit and the Word, that is, the Bible. Wanna know how to live
this Christian life? Get into the Bible, do what it says, and go love one
I don’t
stand with Phil, but I don’t hate him. At the end of the day, I hope we all
understand: we can disagree and still love each other.
So glad you spoke up too, Zara, and wasn't Jen hatmaker's piece just the thing? Yay for words of grace.